The Holy Spirit has again revealed to me that I am under another attack through demonic forces that are influencing some people working with computers, and through advanced computer technology.
So, this message is for those of you who are in this army of demonic evil forces, and who are being deceived through the works of Satan!
Your ongoing attempts to sabotage my computer, email accounts, and telephone line are futile. “YOU NEED TO START PRAYING RIGHT NOW TO THE TRUE LIVING GOD AND REPENT OF YOUR EVIL DEEDS!”
You are NOT attacking me. You are attacking the Holy Spirit of Almighty God!
Are you more powerful than Almighty God??? Are you more intelligent than the Holy Spirit of Almighty God???
Lucifer, the prince of Persia, false angel of light, serpent, dragon, devil, and Satan, you are already a defeated foe! Jesus Christ conquered you, and triumph over you on the Cross-, through His blood. Therefore, any works and efforts from you to deceive me, or overcome my decision to follow Jesus Christ, and do only His will, and NOT the will of Satan, the devil and his demonic evil forces, those efforts are fruitless, and have already been defeated through Jesus Christ!!!
I am not moved by your LIES and DECEPTION through others who are following your lying and deceptive ways!!!
Heavenly Father, You are my Refuge and my Rock. You are in control of everything that happens in my life. I am your servant, called by Your name. Thank you for giving me the Helmet of salvation. My identity in Jesus Christ is secure. Nothing can separate me from Your love. Thank you for forgiving me, and cleansing my guilt (any confession needed). I put on Your breastplate of righteousness. Holy Spirit, search out and bring into light, any schemes of darkness directed at me. I take up the Shield of faith to stand against the works of the evil one. In Jesus name, I stand on the truth of the Word of Almighty God. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the evil one. (1 John 3:8).
Satan, I rebuke you, in the authority of Jesus Christ!!! I declare your works in my life destroyed!!! Jesus triumphed over you, in the wilderness, on the cross, and in the grave!!! His resurrection has sealed your fate!!! I now triumph over you in the strength of His name!!! I resist and rebuke your efforts to oppress, afflict, or deceive me!!! I remove from you the right to rob me of the joy, and the fruit of my salvation!!! Through the power, and the blood of Calvary, I command all powers of darkness assigned to me (or my computer), sent to me, or surrounding me right now, to leave!!! Go where Jesus Christ orders you to go, never to return!!! (Mark 11:23).
Lord Jesus, you have called and equipped me to follow You and do Your will. I submit to You. In my affliction, I ask You to convict me of any sin that allows the arrows of Satan to buffet me. I am willing and ready to repent of anything that gives the enemy a place. I ask You to reveal the areas of ignorance, or fear that may give the enemy opportunity. Lord search out, expose, and break the power of all the schemes of Satan that have been sent to me. Heavenly Father, I seek your face. Lord, Jesus Christ, I call unto You right now. Hear and answer my prayer, and deliver me from this trouble. I ask You to turn this evil into good!
Satan, I raise my Shield of faith against you, and resist you with the Sword of the Spirit, and the word of Almighty God that proclaims your judgement as a false god, accuser, and afflicter of the children, of Almighty God!!! I announce your works in my life, the life of my family, the life of my friends, and the life of my church members destroyed!!! Through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, I refuse and break all evil curses, hexes, spells, incantations, rituals, psychic powers, or works of witchcraft sent to defeat or destroy my life and ministry!!! I resist all demonic powers sent to me, from false religious ideas, the Internet, through computer technology, through any or all communication networks, and AFFINITY FRAUD!!!
I command all powers of evil to return immediately to the source from which you came!!! In the name of Jesus Christ, I speak blessings on email fraud, computer fraud, computer scams, and everything else that are the evil works of Satan, and his demonic children. These blessings will turn all of these evil works from bad, and into good!!! I ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of your sins, and DRAW YOU INTO THE LIGHT!!!
I call for all of you (who are the workers of evil, and demonic activity) to turn from your sins, and turn to the mercy of the living Almighty God!!!
I find comfort in the word of Almighty God!!!
“…a curse without cause will not alight…” -Proverbs 26:2.
Holy Spirit, I ask you, right now, to increase the works of all ministries that are warring, against the evil demonic forces, in the spiritual realm!!! Through the Blood of Jesus Christ, all Intra-network Ministries are now increased sevenfold, with Holy Spirit power, in their efforts to war (in the spiritual realm), against and abolish demonic, and evil attacks, in the lives of the people of Almighty God. All prayer warrior ministries have now been increased sevenfold, in accomplishing the will of Almighty God, through the Blood of Jesus Christ!!! All the efforts of these prayer warrior ministries will take permanent root, and become increasingly more firmly established, throughout the entire world, according to the will of Almighty God!!!!!!!
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
~ Jonahs Sister ~
Did you get a computer virus or something?